[Exist-open] Relative path problem in XProc Calabash Module
Lin Ni
2017-06-09 13:47:53 UTC
Hello everyone,

I am running eXist-db 3.2.0 on Windows 10 with Java 1.8.0_131.

Some xquery codes in my application use a library xproc in the
filesystem. And this xproc contains some relative paths pointing to
xlst files in the filesystem, which are used for transformation.
let $path := "C:/PathToXProc/library.xpl"
let $input := "/db/PathToSource/source.xml"
let $xproc :=
<p:pipeline version="1.0">
<p:import href="{$path}" />
xproc:process($xproc,<p:input type="xml" port="source"
It was running on eXist-db 2.2 without problem with xproc 0.1.6 module.
import module namespace xproc="http://exist-db.org/xproc";
Now I want to migrate it to eXist-db 3.2.0. Because xproc 0.1.6
extension module is deprecated. I have to use xproc calabash module.
import module namespace
The relative path works not as expected. It will be resolved as a path
in eXist-db like /db/apps/MyApp/modules//TheRelavtivePath.

So eXist-db cannot find the xslt file. Then it throws an XProc error XD0011.

I'd appreciate any suggestions about how to solve the problem.

Best regards,

