[Exist-open] Moving the Template .html Files
Michael Joyce
2017-05-24 19:39:04 UTC
Hello everybody.

I have an eXist 2.2 (I know, we haven't had time to upgrade yet) app
that I put together following the tutorial here:


It uses the normal eXist template system. But now we have too many
.html template files, and I'd like to move them into their own
subdirectory, without changing the URLs that access those pages.

I've looked in controller.xql, templates/page.html, and even in the
$shared/templating module to try to figure out how to configure eXist
to use pages/search.html to respond to search.html. I can move
search.html to the pages collection, but then the URL changes to
pages/search.html, which I don't want.

Is this possible or supported in eXist?


Mathias Göbel
2017-06-09 08:15:21 UTC
You can have a look on this controller.xql
https://gitlab.gwdg.de/kolimo/exist-app/blob/master/controller.xql where
all the *.html are moved to the template collection, but you are free to
change this to any collection you want.

hope this helps,
Post by Michael Joyce
Hello everybody.
I have an eXist 2.2 (I know, we haven't had time to upgrade yet) app
It uses the normal eXist template system. But now we have too many
.html template files, and I'd like to move them into their own
subdirectory, without changing the URLs that access those pages.
I've looked in controller.xql, templates/page.html, and even in the
$shared/templating module to try to figure out how to configure eXist
to use pages/search.html to respond to search.html. I can move
search.html to the pages collection, but then the URL changes to
pages/search.html, which I don't want.
Is this possible or supported in eXist?
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Mathias Göbel
Georg-August-UniversitÀt Göttingen
NiedersÀchsische Staats- und UniversitÀtsbibliothek Göttingen
D-37070 Göttingen

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